Realme 8 announced last month that the company expects to launch its 5G model soon. The official hasn’t revealed the launch date or features of Realme 8 5G, though. The key specifications of this smartphone have been revealed in the Geekbench running score website registration running score data. According to the benchmark database, the model of Realme 8 5G is RMX3241, running Android 11 system, and having 8GB of memory. The device is equipped with MediaTek MT6833V/ZA, which belongs to the Dimensity 700 SoC.
Realme 8 5G’s performance on Geekbench Realme 8 5G’s performance on Geekbench is as follows:
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Geekbench only considers the performance list, did not disclose any other specifications Realme 8 5G, but because of assists before the FCC, we know that the smartphone will be equipped with a 5000mAh battery, side-mounted fingerprint reader and NFC. It will also be thicker and heavier than its 4G counterparts, which are 8 millimeters thinner and weigh 177 grams. More details about Realme 8 5G should surface in the next few days.
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