Apple is studying how to detect the ambient noise level and the user’s voice pattern so that Siri can respond with a louder or softer voice as needed. Siri is widely criticized for not being functionally equivalent to competitors. As this smart assistant is about to celebrate its tenth birthday, the discontinuation of HomePod once again put Siri in the spotlight.
A patent application published on Thursday showed that Apple hopes to use its assistants to improve one aspect-environmental awareness. Currently, no matter how noisy the room is or how to give instructions, Siri will respond with the same voice, volume, and tone.
Other voice assistants such as Alexa can respond with a lower volume and “whispering” sounds when quietly issuing commands. Siri lacks this feature, and sometimes it can be frightening to make a sudden noise.
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Therefore, users hope that Siri will one day consider the effects of room noise, device location, and distance from the user when considering response volume. Apple also proposed in the patent document that the processor on the device can listen to the user’s tone, intonation and command volume. Other data points will also be used, such as the time of day or previously set volume.
Taking these factors into account, users can whisper commands to Siri late at night and get quiet responses in turn. In a noisy environment, Siri will produce a slower but louder response to ensure that it is heard and understood. This patent is attributed to the efforts of researchers Narimene Lezzoum, Sylvain J. Choisel, Richard Powell, Ashrith Deshpande and Ameya Joshi.
Siri uses synthesized audio obtained from voice actors to produce speech. The neural text-to-speech engine converts the instructions of the processor into audible speech. Starting from iOS 14.5, Siri will have two more English voices, and the voice mode is more human-like.
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