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Android 12 Developer Preview 2.1 with WebView fix released, check OTA link

Android 12

Android 12

Recently, Google released Android 12 Developer Preview 2 with many new features and changes and now today Android 12 Developer Preview 2.1 released with some fixes such as WebView fix.

So guys, As you know that from the very first release, Google has been rolling out Android 12 Developer Preview 2.1 to address the last week’s broader WebView issue from the morning. Well in course of improving the functions There are started so many practices of dropping such as.

The 1st patches are used to start from two weeks after the monthly tentpole continued even as Android 12 remains relatively stable and bug-free. Not even this, It surprisingly supports Google Pay NFC transactions already. As we know that Last year, this was actually not in a relevant place until after the beta period started.

This minor update to Android 12 Developer Preview 2 updates WebView to fix an issue that caused some apps to crash prospectively.

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However, if we start talking about the bugs so, this may apparently patch the more topical as it relates to Android apps last week crashing due to a bug that required users to update WebView and Chrome. Today’s update addresses that for Android 12.

Here are some data coding portion of such android functions:-

Build SPP2.210219.008.A1 remains on the March security patch like the stable Android 11 release and DP2.
Android 12 Developer Preview 2.1 is already rolling out as an OTA (around 7MB) that can be easily installed via the “Check for update” button in Settings appended.

It’s also available via manual download and flashing today, with the public-spirited Android Beta still coming later this year. If you guys need any kind of help so in that case, there will available our full guide on installing Android 12 respectively.

Check The OTA Links For Pixels Devices:


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