Google announced the establishment of the Android Ready SE Security Standards Alliance

Google announced today that it officially established the Android Ready SE Alliance technology alliance for the development and promotion of the SE security chip standard, which will enable the Android system to natively support devices with built-in security chips.

Google will cooperate with some hardware manufacturers to launch an open-source SE security interface and program, so that smart devices such as mobile phones can be used for digital keys, car keys, e-passports, digital currencies, etc.

Google today also announced the launch of a universal version of the StrongBox program for applications with built-in SE security chips. This program supports hardware from multiple manufacturers and is currently available at G+D, Kigen, NXP, STMicroelectronics, and Thales. StrongBox not only supports smartphones and tablets but is also compatible with WearOS, embedded devices and Android TV.

The Features That StrongBox Can Achieve Are:

  • Digital key (car, home, office)
  • Car driver’s license, ID card, e-passport
  • Electronic wallet, digital currency

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Google has previously launched a security chip called Titan M, which is carried in Pixel 3/XL mobile phones. This chip is very similar to the Apple T2 security chip and is used to enhance the security of the device.

Google’s goal is to build this chip in smartphones, smart wearable devices, tablets, cars and even TVs to provide safer and more convenient connection performance. In addition, Google also said that it is cooperating with the hardware encryption ecosystem to prioritize the launch of the following functions and integrate them into the Android system:

  • Digital driver’s license and ID card
  • Electronic car key

In addition, Google also revealed that several Android OEM manufacturers already support the Android Ready SE feature in their products, but did not disclose the name of the manufacturer. Google looks forward to cooperating with more OEM manufacturers to bring new features to consumers.


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