Google recently released Android’s second preview version of Android 12 brings some new improvements. According to the XDA news, a developer named kdrag0n found the words “UdfpsControllerGoogle” in the code of Google’s System UI App, where Udfps represents the fingerprint scanning device under the screen.
The developer also found that the Android 12 system kernel also appeared in a number of categories involving fingerprint recognition under the screen, indicating that the system will natively support fingerprint recognition under the screen, which is not only convenient for developers of mobile phone manufacturers but also provides better compatibility.
XDA said that the path of Udfps is instead of This means that this feature is exclusive to Pixel phones, so it can be expected that Google Pixel 6 phones will soon support under-screen fingerprint recognition technology.
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The current under-screen fingerprint recognition technology mainly includes ultrasonic and optical two types, and the type used can not be seen from the Android code. According to previous reports, some developers have also learned in the code that Google Pixel 6 phones are also expected to support proactive face recognition technology and also supports fingerprint recognition under the screen. If it can support two unlocking methods at the same time, then this phone will be very convenient for users wearing masks to unlock.
It is not clear whether Google Pixel 6 will use Qualcomm’s flagship processor, or it will be equipped with a sub-flagship like the previous Pixel 5. This phone is expected to be launched in October this year and is expected to be the first model to be equipped with Android 12.
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