According to the MSPoweruser reported that Pokémon Go developer Niantic said that in 2020, more than 1 million players will be banned. This mobile game developer has cracked down on rampant cheating in three of their popular mobile games, including Pokémon Go, Ingress and Harry Potter Wizards Unite.
In a blog post explaining their anti-cheating methods, Niantic revealed that in 2020, more than 5 million players in their AR augmented reality library have been given cheating penalties. 20% of players are banned. More than 90% of cheaters stopped their evil deeds after the first warning, but some continued to cheat.
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Since most players of Niantic’s ARG game still stay indoors, most game cheaters are using mobile tools to “simulate” their position to continue playing the game. Cheating seems harmless, but as players can remotely access bases, gyms, etc., cheaters can dominate the game like never before.
“We don’t talk much about our anti-cheating work, partly because we don’t want to provide information to cheaters to help them better understand our detection mechanism,” Niantic said. “However, please rest assured that our reluctance to share is not due to our lack of effort or intention in this regard.”
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