Realme unveiled its latest smartphone – Realme V5 5g this year. It comes with MediaTek Helio 720 5G processor to target the low-end 5G market. It uses a 6.5-inch full screen (20:9) with a refresh rate of 90Hz, equipped with a MediaTek Dimensity 720 chipset, supports Wi-Fi+5G dual-channel acceleration, a 16MP selfie camera, 48MP Primary, 8MP ultra-wide + macro lens + black and white portrait lens.
Realme now officially rolled out a new software update on Realme UI 1.0 based on Android 10 for Realme V5. It brings December 2020 security patch update in China.
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Additionally, this update added the function of exporting the recorded text to notes and also fix the problem that the fast charge icon is displayed incorrectly at a very low probability.
The latest software update comes with the build number RMX2111_11_A.24 for Realme V5 in China. You can check the full changelog and also download the update from the link mention below.
Realme V5 Changelog:
- Update Android security patch (2020/12).
- Added the function of exporting the recorded text to notes.
- Optimize the charging decimal point display logic.
- Fix the problem that the fast charge icon is displayed incorrectly at a very low probability.
- Optimize the beauty effect of the rear camera.
- Optimize the background blur effect of portraits on the rear camera.
- Fix the issue of abnormal focus on faces and sky with very low probability in special scenes.
Status Bar
- Fix the problem of low probability that the brightness adjustment fails when the brightness is frequently adjusted.
Set up
- Fix the problem that there is a very low probability of noise when tapping or long pressing the bottom area of the gesture.
How To Check
Tap on the smartphone Settings > System > Software update > Check for Updates. Download!
Note: Before upgrading to the latest version make sure your smartphone is connected with a proper internet connection, we recommend you to download it over WIFI so that you will not face any error.
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