A model of M2011K2C has endured multiple Geekbench benchmark tests today. According to previous reports, the device is the standard version of Xiaomi’s next flagship model called Mi 11. It is expected that the aircraft will be officially released on December 28.
The device uses an 8-core Venus chipset, the main frequency can reach 1804 MHz, with 12GB of RAM, running Android 11, the highest running score is a single-core score of 1135 and a multi-core score of 3790.
A group of Xiaomi executives and official accounts summarized the results of the Xiaomi Mi 10 series yesterday and hinted that Xiaomi Mi 11 is coming.
According to the previous news, the Mi 11 series will provide at least two versions of Mi 11 and Mi 11 Pro, and continue to adopt a full-screen solution with digging holes. Mi 11 is a hyperboloid screen, and Mi 11 Pro is a 2K quad-curved screen. Support 120Hz refresh rate, support native 10bit color depth display.
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Judging from the live image of Mi 11 on the internet, the Mi 11 basic version uses a blue gradient back shell, and the rear camera layout is a square design with two large sensors and a small sensor above the LED light.
Mi 11 uses a small square matrix 2+1 three-camera design, and Mi 11 Pro is expected to adopt a horizontal matrix camera design. In addition, Xiaomi Mi 11 Pro is expected to support 100W super-fast charging, referring to the previous specifications of the Mi 10 Extreme Edition, it is expected that Xiaomi Mi 11 Pro will also be 120W fast charging.
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